An upside-down cake is a cake usually made in a pan with a curved bottom. Once cooked, turned over and allowed to set, the cake is eaten upside-down. Usually, chopped fruits such as apples, pineapples and cherries are placed at the bottom of the pan before the batter is poured in, so that they form a decorative topping once the cake is inverted.
Turning the cake upside-down is a critical process; if done improperly, part of it can remain attached to the pan, ruining the final product. To allow for an easier detachment, the bottom of the pan is usually covered with butter or sugar.
Traditional upside-down preparations include the American Pineapple Upside-down Cake, French Tarte Tatin, and Brazilian Bolo de Banana.
Castella卡斯提拉 is a popular Japanese sponge cake made of sugar, flour, eggs, and starch syrup, very common at festivals and as a street food.製作好的卡斯提拉通常為一大片方形,主體呈淡黃色,上層有一層約0.2公分厚的棕色餅皮,底部也有一層薄糖皮,之後再切成長條形販賣,而食用時則再橫切為數小片。It is a type of cake associated with the festival of Epiphany in the Christmas season in a number of countries. The cakes have a small trinket (often a small plastic baby, sometimes said to represent Baby Jesus) inside, and the person who gets the piece of cake with the trinket has various privileges and obligations (such as buying the cake for the next celebration).
年輪蛋糕(Baumkuchen)是歐洲多個國家的知名點心,是一種多層蛋糕,被視為「蛋糕之王」。當對其作橫斷切開時,年輪蛋糕呈現了特徵性的金色環圈,而使之得「年輪」之名——Baumkuchen直譯即為「樹木蛋糕」(Tree Cake)。要得到一圈圈的效果,需將一層薄薄的蛋奶糊均勻地刷上炙叉(spit),讓它烤到金黃色。富經驗的烘培師傅會重複這項動作多次,一些師傅甚至可以做出三呎長的年輪蛋糕,切開來有25層,重量超過100磅(45公斤)。
紙包蛋糕(Paper wrapped cake)是一種起源於香港的蛋糕,以牛油紙包裹著雪芳蛋糕,主要在香港的麵包西餅店,以及部份茶餐廳發售。此外,各地的唐人街通常也有這種蛋糕。
莎莉雪藏蛋糕的牌子,出品人是莎莉Sara Lee Corporation,它是紐約證券交易所上市公司,成立於1939年,初時主要售賣食糖、咖啡和茶葉等。其後,生意橫向擴展至家庭日用品、內衣內褲、食物和飲品等。現在Sara Lee的總部設於芝加哥,子公司分佈於5多個國家,職員人數約15萬,總收入港幣1,377億元,盈利港幣157億元。
莎莉,Sara Lee,是一定數量冷凍包裝食物的品牌,在東南亞廣告口號是「莎莉多謝您」。
雪芳蛋糕(Chiffon cake),又稱戚風蛋糕,是一種乳沫類蛋糕,主要用蛋白、蛋黃、發粉、麵粉及植物油焗製而成。雪芳蛋糕最大特色是口感鬆軟,採用分蛋打發的技巧,使組織包有充分空氣而爽口細緻,同時因為以植物油取代牛油,空氣也較易藏於蛋糕之內。此外,這亦使蛋糕的熱量較低。然而,雪芳蛋糕沒有了牛油蛋糕獨有的香味。
馬德拉島蛋糕(Madeira cake),是一個普遍的老英國傳統食品,是一種簡單的磅蛋糕,加入檸檬味材料加入烘烤。馬德拉島蛋糕像長方形的大麵包。
黑森林蛋糕(德語:Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte,又称“黑森林樱桃蛋糕”)是一种鲜奶蛋糕,20世纪30年代起风行于德國,并逐渐成为全世界最著名和最受欢迎的蛋糕之一。黑森林蛋糕的主要成分有:脆饼面团底托、鲜奶油、樱桃酒、黑櫻桃和巧克力碎末。
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